Fine collection offering you free shipping Nation wide. Our all prices include delivery & packaging charges our packaging is economical & best for present if you order parcel in cash on delivery payment method it will take 3 to 4 working days to deliver it. If you chose full advance payment mothod you will get order next day 

International Shipping

We also deliver order world wide on fully advance amount you may contact us on our whatsapp number for more details.

How to Order

If you would like to order you may order us on website, Instagram page, WhatsApp you will have to tell us your details (Name, Address, contact number, eamail,) article you would like to order

Returns & Exchanges

Fine collection offering you life time guarantee of purity & quality of our product gold/silver/optics note please Remember that the polish on the silver jewelry will be tarnished or fade by the time for more read our jewelry care tips

How to Return an Item
  1.  If you buy online you will have to shipped on our outlet address (shipping cost will be on customer). When we recived your consignment our inspection team will check it & if product will not demage your amount will be transfer to your bank account
  2. if you would like to exchange you can ask our representative to show you same amount articles or you can select online too

  3. If you want to change or exchange you have to give us valid reason

  4. Sale products will not be exchange or refund 

  5. if you need change size of ring or bangle of same product you can order us for new                                                                            
  6. Return or exchange products must not be used

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